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Men and Sugar at the Entrance of the DesertA Limited Liability Company (Société Anonyme) with a capital of 14.6 billion CFA francs, the Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise was created in the early 1970s thanks to the project of Jacques MIMRAN. The CSS agro-industrial...
Sugar cane plantation
1. Production of sugar cane in Richard-TollThe production of sugar cane in the sugar complex of Richard Toll began in 1970. The farming area covers an area of more than 13,000 ha. The sown cane area represents 7,700 ha gravity irrigation cane and 3,000 ha drip...
Legal Notice
This site is the property of COMPAGNIE SUCRIERE SENEGALAISE S.A. (CSS), RCS, whose contact details are: Headquarters address : 49, Richard-Toll BP2031 Dakar SENEGAL. Telephone : +22 13 39 38 2323. Email: Photo credit: Adobe Stock (https://stock...
Our Plant The Compagnie Sucrière Sénégalaise has built up more than 50 years of experience in the production of refined sugar made of 100% cane in Senegal. The company covers an area of more than 12,000 ha in the Senegal River valley.The Farming Plots Two irrigation...
The history of CSS over time 1970 Initiation of the sugar cane plantation project and the construction of a sugar refinery in Richard Toll by the Founder Jacques MIMRAN1975 First CSS sugar campaign1990 Modernization of the factory for an annual production of...
Sustainable development & CSR
SOCIAL Company workers are our top prioritiesPriority for Workers’ Health and Safety A medical structure composed of 5 doctors, 12 nurses, 7 nursing assistants, 1 laboratory technician, 4 lab technicians, 2 paramedics, 1 state midwife, 1 therapeutic educator, 1...
COMPAGNIE SUCRIÈRE SÉNÉGALAISE SA (CSS) 49, Richard-Toll, SENEGAL (+221) 33 938 23 23For any information, you can contact us using the form below.*Mandatory mentions
about usThe Senegalese Sugar Company (CSS) extends over more than 12,000 ha in thevalley of the Senegal River at the gates of the city of Richard-Toll. The agro-industrial complex of the CSS, unique in Senegal, enables to carry out all thecane...
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